Thursday 22 September 2016

Juice of sweet potato for great skin and a stronger immune system

Perhaps the sweet potato is not something that you want to put in a juicer, but unlike ordinary potatoes, it is very tasty and very helpful. Also, it makes a creamy texture that gives a great flavor to the refreshing drink.


  • 1 sweet potato, peeled and alive
  • 170 grams of fresh pineapple
  • 1 peeled orange

Put all the ingredients in a juicer and enjoy the smooth texture. Optionally add cinnamon.
You might think that the sweet potato could not be good for you. But it is actually full of nutrients. It is one of the best sources of beta carotene because even carrots would be ashamed. It is also an excellent source of potassium, calcium and vitamin C. Plus, it has antioxidant properties that reduce the risk of cancer and significantly strengthen the immune system.
Pineapples and oranges are  great addition to the juice of sweet potatoes because both  fruits are based on fluid that are great combined with solid, rich with starch, sweet potato.
Try it, you’ll be surprised how tasty is this drink. And your skin will be pleasantly surprised after a few consuming.

Sunday 18 September 2016


Moringa has been hailed as a “miracle tree” because it is a significant source of fats, proteins, carotenoids, vitamin C, iron, potassium, and other nutrients.

he flowers, roots, leaves, and bark of the tree have been used as nutritional supplements and are also used in the manufacture of cosmetics, perfumes, and skin oils.

Alongside moringa’s powerful nutritional profile, there exists incredible medicinal potential.

Chemical compounds found in moringa have demonstrated several beneficial biochemical activities, such as combating atherosclerosis andheart disease, boosting the immune system, and have antiviral,antibacterial, antioxidant, and tumor-suppressive effects.
Let’s take a closer look at the health benefits of Moringa and see whether these names are justified.

1. Moringa is rich in fiber and it is said that it works as a mop in your intestines and cleanses any excess waste left over from a greasy diet.
2. It contains powerful antibiotic and highly efficient in eliminating a bacterium known to cause gastritis, ulcers and gastric cancer.
3. The seed of this tree is even found to purify the water, and it does even better than most of the conventional synthetic materials that are being used nowadays.
4. The leaves of Moringa are abundant in vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and much more ingredients. In 100 grams of dry moringa leaves there is:
– 9 times more protein than in yogurt
– 10 times more vitamin A than in carrots
15 times more potassium than in bananas
– 17 times more calcium than in milk
– 12 times more vitamin C than in oranges
– 25 times more iron than in spinach
5. The chlorogenic acid present on the leaves is known to slow down the absorption process of sugar in the cells.
6. Moringa have anti-tumor and anti-cancer effects, which is a result of the presence of a compound called niaziminin.
7. Helps in the regulation of the thyroid function, especially when it comes to hyper-active thyroid.
Therefore, Moringa is a highly beneficial plant medicine that deserves a place in everyone’s home pharmacy.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Squeeze 1 Lemon, Mix It With 1 Tbs. Of Olive Oil And You’ll Use This Mixture For The Rest Of Your Life!

Today, we are going to reveal the recipe of an extremely helpful detox remedy which will cleanse your body, and solve the issues with fatigue and lack of energy.
All you need to prepare it is olive oil and lemon, and once you try it, you will no longer feel tired and in a bad mood all the time. It will energize your body and help you be refreshed and healthy.

Experts claim that this remedy has been used for centuries to prevent numerous health problems. The combination of lemon and olive oil has been used for multiple health and beauty remedies, but it also treats and prevents various health issues.
Due to the essential fatty acids which prevent bad cholesterol, the olive oil is the basic part of the Mediterranean diet. This oil successfully detoxifies the body, and should b ea vital element in your daily diet.

Due to its numerous health properties, the Greeks and the Romans referred to olive oil as a liquid gold. During its extraction process, the extra virgin olive oil needs a minimal treatment and handling, so it keeps its nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
On the other hand, lemon is one of the healthiest fruits on the planet, offering numerous of nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins, which boost health and prevent various conditions and diseases.
Lemons are loaded with vitamin C and B, phosphorus, proteins, potassium, and carbohydrates, as well as flavonoids, which have potent antioxidant properties!
Due to all this, the combination of these two ingredients makes a really powerful mixture which treats numerous illnesses and prevents various health issues.
Experts claim hat it can treat and prevent the following health problems:
Cardiovascular Problems
Due to the high content of fatty acids in olive oil, which is vital for the treatment of bad cholesterol and also help blood circulation, this mixture prevents cardiovascular problems and is incredibly useful in the treatment of heart issues.
Rheumatic Problems
This comb has potent anti-inflammatory properties, so its regular consumption on an empty stomach treats joint pain and all kinds of rheumatic issues.
This mixture is a strong and effective lubricant for the digestive mucus and thus activates the function of the liver and gallbladder.
Additionally, it helps digestion and helps the removal of waste from the body. Due to the powerful antioxidant properties, it also purifies the entire system and eliminates the accumulated toxins.

Cleanses the liver, kidneys, and Gallbladder
The consumption of the lemon and olive oil mixture on an empty stomach every morning will prevent the growth of gallstones. Just drink it in a glass of water an hour before your breakfast and you will detoxify the kidneys, liver, and the gallbladder.

16 Early Warning Signs Your Liver Is Sluggish And Toxins Are Being Stored In Your Fat Cells!

Liver is a vital organ that works hard everyday to filter out toxins and waste from the body, and carries out hundreds of other functions. The primary function of the liver is converting toxins into safe waste that can be excreted from the body through urine, sweat, etc.

The liver has more than 400 functions in the body, from storing essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, digesting fats, processing nutrients that have been accumulated in the intestines and breaking down drugs and alcohols.
If you are not providing the body with the right nutrients, you can burden your liver, which becomes sluggish and backed up with loads of toxic work.

How does the liver actually deal with toxic substances?
The liver, like the kidneys, filters out toxins and harmful substances from the blood.
The organ also produces albumin, a protein that helps keep fluid in the bloodstream. This prevent swelling and edema, an accumulation of fluid in bodily tissues.
When the liver is overloaded with fat-soluble toxins, it begins to store these substances in your fat cells.
In fact, one of the first steps in getting rid of toxins is the liver converting fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble ones so that may be expelled from the body through bile.
Symptoms of toxic overload include:
  • Anxiety  and depression
  • Negative emotions
  • Skin conditions
  • Sudden allergies
  • Constant bloating
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Brain fog/ feeling drained/ Lethargy
  • Dull Headaches
  • Chronic Joint or Muscle Pain
  • Excessive Perspiration
  • Trouble Digesting Fats, Abdominal Pain, Constipation,
  • Diarrhea
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Chemical Sensitivities
  • Chronic Bad Breath
  • Unexplained Weight Gain
Of course, your health starts in the kitchen, so you cannot expect your body to thrive on supplements alone. You should create a healthy body through healing meals and habits. Keep in mind you don’t need to diet, restrict or remove entirely – but the key here is balance.
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated, so just focus on the following steps:
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Drink enough pure water
  • Avoid inflammatory oils
  • Choose foods high in fiber
  • Avoid refined sugars
  • Increase leafy green vegetable consumption
  • Focus on foods rich in sulfur
  • Limit or avoid alcohol consumption
  • Increase healthy healing fat consumption
Furthermore, the next three natural products can help you restore the liver’s function:
  1. Turmeric
Curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric, is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that has numerous health benefits. It can assist the enzymes responsible for eliminating dietary carcinogens and thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, curcumin protects the liver against damage, regenerating the damaged cells. However, in order to increase its bioavailability, turmeric needs to be consumed with black pepper.
  1. Milk thistle
The active ingredient of milk thistle has powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-viral and anti-fibrotic properties which is why it is great for protecting the liver from toxic damage.
  1. Globe artichoke

This vegetable is high in fiber that can improve bile production and protect the liver against damage. It also lowers the bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Strategies in the Fight Against Diabetes

  • Normal weight

First thickness and then diabetes? Although it is not so simple, it is true that the risk of diabetes is increased in persons with overweight. Therefore, the optimum maintenance of normal weight, especially in the case of family predisposition for developing diabetes or people who suffer from the disorder of metabolism.
  • Movement

The results of recent studies conducted in the Netherlands confirm the positive effect of regular training in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Even if he does come to reduce weight, the body will come to the fatty tissue. Ideal forms of movement Nordic walking, cycling, swimming etc.
  • Quality diet

Sugar in excessive amounts acts as a poison to our cells. Therefore World Health Organization advises a maximum of 10% or better even 5% of the daily calorie intake be sugar. This corresponds to an amount of 25 grams (or five teaspoons) or 5 grams (one teaspoon). Account must be taken of the fact that many foods and beverages contain hidden large quantities of sugar! One of the recommendations is the restriction of carbohydrates – especially in the evening. Apples, oat flakes, quinoa, etc., can be eaten in unlimited quantities. They like nuts and regulate the level of sugar in the blood. And people who regularly piano natural yoghurt are protected against diabetes.
  • Quitting smoking
Quitting smoking is always worth it, especially knowing that in this way also to protect and diabetes. Non-smokers have half the chance of developing this disease. If people who already suffer from it, quitting will greatly reduce the risk of other associated diseases. Diabetes type 2, early detection can be successfully controlled.
  • Chromium

One of the important roles of chromium is to stimulate the metabolism of sugars and enhance the action of insulin. By regulating the level of blood sugar, chromium helps to maintain a stable energy level of the body. Studies show that chromium helps maintain normal blood pressure and maintain a healthy body weight.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

These 20 Foods Naturally Clear Your Arteries And Protect You From Heart Attacks. Eat Healthy And Live Longer!

Heart problems are one of the leading causes of death in many countries. A major risk factor for both heart attack and stroke is clogged arteries, which can interrupt blood flow throughout the body. Stress, lack of movement, and especially unhealthy eating are all contributors to heightened rates of heart attack. But making a few small changes to your diet can drastically lower your risk. Here are some foods and drinks that are known to help keep your arteries free of blockage: 

Salmon                                                                                                                                                     Salmon is considered one of the heart-healthiest foods out there. The reason for this is the many healthy fatty acids naturally found in the fish. These help to lower and prevent heightened cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and inflammation. Other healthy fish options are tuna, herring, and mackerel. Of course, it’s best to buy organic fish if possible.

Orange juice                                                                                                                                               100% orange juice is rich in antioxidants that support healthy blood vessels. Orange juice is also known to lower blood pressure levels. Two glasses of fresh juice each day are enough to cover your daily recommended value of vitamin C and provide sufficient vitamins and minerals to positively impact your health.

Coffee                                                                                                                                                    Yes! Finally there’s a healthy reason to have that morning cup of joe. Studies have shown that enjoying 2-4 cups of coffee during the day can lower your risk of heart attack by up to 20%. But keep in mind that coffee can also have negative effects on your stomach and excess caffeine is also not particularly healthy for you.
Nuts                                                                                                                                                        Nuts have long been known for their abundance of healthy fats. These include omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats. Not only are these good for your cholesterol levels, but they also benefit your joints and memory. Walnuts and almonds are particularly high in these healthy fats. One handful each day can make all the difference.
Persimmon fruit                                                                                                                                          Rich in fiber and healthy sterols, persimmons can help lower your cholesterol levels. These so-called “divine fruits” are sweet and tasty additions to salads or cereal.
Turmeric                                                                                                                                             Turmeric contains high levels of curcumin, which has many positive attributes. The spice helps to prevent overactive fat storage and lowers tissue inflammation. Turmeric makes a tasty addition to many dishes and also makes a delicious tea.
Green tea                                                                                                                                                  Green tea is well-known for its simultaneously energizing and calming effects. One reason for this is the cetachin contained in the tea leaves. This antioxidant lowers cholesterol absorption and supports metabolism. 1-2 cups of tea per day is enough to provide the maximum benefits.
Watermelon                                                                                                                                                  The epitome of summer fruit is not only refreshing, it also widens blood vessels by promoting the production of nitric oxide. An occasional piece of watermelon can work wonders!
Whole grain                                                                                                                                                 Whole grain flour is another effective way to prevent high cholesterol. It is high in fiber, which bonds with cholesterol, preventing it from collecting in arteries. Foods high in whole grain don’t only prevent cholesterol from building up, they also help to break down any existing buildup. Good sources of whole grain are oats, brown rice, and whole grain bread.
Cheese                                                                                                                                                     Cheese doesn’t always have the best reputation when it comes to cholesterol, but if it’s not consumed in excess, it can actually help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
The list of healthy ingredients in seaweed is mind-blowing: It is rich in numerous minerals, vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, and carotenoids. Regular consumption can help regulate blood pressure and widen vessels, both of which are beneficial to circulation. People who regularly eat seaweed can lower their cholesterol by up to 15%.
Cranberries are a great source of potassium. If you regularly drink cranberry juice, you’ll raise levels of healthy cholesterol and lower dangerous ones. Consuming 2 glasses per day has been shown to lower your risk of heart attack by up to 40%.
Cinnamon is not only delicious in tea or baked goods, it is also an important tool to fight high cholesterol by preventing buildup in arteries. Even 1 teaspoon per day can have a noticeable effect.
Pomegranates are rich in phytochemicals that naturally promote nitric oxide production, which is in turn a good way to help circulation. This exotic fruit makes for a beautiful addition to salads and/or pomegranate juice is another healthy option.
Not only good for Popeye’s muscles, spinach also helps to clear arteries and lower blood pressure. Even though the myth of spinach’s high iron content has since been debunked, it is still known to be rich in potassium and folic acid. Both of these lower your risk of heart attacks and support muscle tissues.
Olive oil
Italians and Greeks have long known the secret to good health: high-quality olive oil. Cold-pressed olive oil provides your body with healthy fats and lowers cholesterol levels. This can lower the risk of heart attack by up to 41% – wow.
This green power vegetable, exploding in vitamin K, prevents calcium settling in your arteries. It also is beneficial to blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Whether eating it raw as a snack, or as part of a larger meal, broccoli is a nutrient-rich addition to your day.
It’s no longer a mystery that avocados are extremely healthy for you. The fats found in avocados promote a healthy balance between good and bad cholesterol, which is vital for healthy arteries. This versatile fruit is delicious in salad, on bread, or on its own with a dash of salt and pepper.
Asparagus is a Herculean fighter against high cholesterol. The contents of asparagus prevent clogging of veins and inflammation. Asparagus is delicious as a main dish, in soup, or as a side to noodles or potatoes.

Wow. What a wide selection of foods that make for healthy hearts – I’m sure there is something in there that will please every person’s taste buds. I love it when delicious and healthy comes together.

Monday 12 September 2016


First, you should know that there are 2 major types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic strokes are more common and are caused by a narrowing or blocking of arteries to the brain, resulting in severely reduced blood flow.
Hemorrhagic strokes are less common and are caused by bleeding in the brain. Can I ask you a simple question –  do you know what is stroke? Well, stroke is a disease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain. And, it’s the no. 5 cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the United States. 

A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts (or ruptures). When that happens, part of the brain cannot get the blood (and oxygen) it needs, so it and brain cells die. And, now you probably ask yourself – what are the effects of stroke? The brain is an extremely complex organ that controls various body functions.  If a stroke occurs and blood flow can’t reach the region that controls a particular body function, that part of the body won’t work as it should.

It’s extremely important to identify the warning signs of a stroke and get medical help as soon as possible to reduce the risk of serious damage to the brain. This can help lower the risk of death or disability and improve your chances of recovery. The medical experts say that the signs and symptoms may vary from one person to another depending on the type of stroke, the part of the brain affected and the extent of damage. But they all tend to begin suddenly.
Stroke – Most Common Symptoms
  • Hiccup.
  • Unconsciousness
  • Lightheadedness or weakness.
  • Pain.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Epileptic attacks.
  • Personality changes.
  • Sickness.


Suffering From Diabetes? Just Boil These Leaves And Solve Your Problem Without Medications!

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the 21st century. It occurs when the pancreas stops producing insulin or when the body is unable to use the insulin properly.

The Most Common Symptoms of Diabetes Are:
  • urinating more often than usual, especially at night
  • feeling very thirsty

  • unexplained loss of weight
  • itching around the penis or vagina
  • cuts or wounds that heal very slowly
  • blurred vision
  • feeling very tired
This disease can actually cause many other health problems such as: poor vision, weakness, blindness, nerve damage, kidney failure, heart disease, erectile dysfunction in men etc.
There are three main types of diabetes: Diabetes 1, Diabetes 2, and Gestational diabetes.
Aside from the medicines, there are also many natural remedies that can help you regulate the sugar levels in your blood. Today, we’re going to present you the most effective one which is made by only one ingredient! Mango leaves!
Here is How You Can Make This Remedy:
  • Take 10-15 mango leaves and boil them in a glass of water
  • Let them stay overnight
  • Strain the liquid in the morning and consume it on an empty stomach
  • For optimal results, drink this solution over the course of 2-3 months
You can also dry these leaves in a dark place and ground them. Use half a teaspoon of these powdered mango leaves two times a day.


Drink This 3-Ingredient Tea to Cleanse Your Lungs of Phlegm, Toxins and Inflammation

We have all been affected by some kind of respiratory issue at some point in our life. Whether it is asthma, a cold, some kind of allergic reaction, or just a runny nose, all of these conditions cause great discomfort and unpleasant feelings.

Therefore, many of us take various pharmaceuticals in order to alleviate the symptoms of these respiratory issues. Yet, these drugs often have severe side- effects which can make you even more prone to illnesses.

In the case of a common cold or other respiratory illnesses, it is recommended to use a cough syrup. Most of these syrups provide only instant results, and can lead to various adverse effects if used frequently, such as:

  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Swelling
  • Vomiting
  • Trouble breathing
  • Rash
  • Dizziness
  • Itching
In the case of chronic respiratory conditions like asthma or bronchitis, doctors often prescribe corticosteroids, which are taken through an inhaler.
These medications are needed for some patients, but research has found that they raise the risk of fungal infections and weaken the immune system. Due to all this, it is best to avoid these medications in order to prevent further complications.
Fortunately, there is a completely natural tea which can treat the issue and cause no harm to your health.
People have used mullein for centuries as an effective remedy in the case of respiratory ailments, like chest colds, lung weakness, and respiratory constriction. It is a common weed which grows in all parts of the world.
Its powerful health benefits are due to saponins: organic compounds which act as natural expectorants. Mullein removes excess mucus from the lungs, and it soothes congestion and other symptoms.