Wednesday 14 September 2016

Strategies in the Fight Against Diabetes

  • Normal weight

First thickness and then diabetes? Although it is not so simple, it is true that the risk of diabetes is increased in persons with overweight. Therefore, the optimum maintenance of normal weight, especially in the case of family predisposition for developing diabetes or people who suffer from the disorder of metabolism.
  • Movement

The results of recent studies conducted in the Netherlands confirm the positive effect of regular training in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Even if he does come to reduce weight, the body will come to the fatty tissue. Ideal forms of movement Nordic walking, cycling, swimming etc.
  • Quality diet

Sugar in excessive amounts acts as a poison to our cells. Therefore World Health Organization advises a maximum of 10% or better even 5% of the daily calorie intake be sugar. This corresponds to an amount of 25 grams (or five teaspoons) or 5 grams (one teaspoon). Account must be taken of the fact that many foods and beverages contain hidden large quantities of sugar! One of the recommendations is the restriction of carbohydrates – especially in the evening. Apples, oat flakes, quinoa, etc., can be eaten in unlimited quantities. They like nuts and regulate the level of sugar in the blood. And people who regularly piano natural yoghurt are protected against diabetes.
  • Quitting smoking
Quitting smoking is always worth it, especially knowing that in this way also to protect and diabetes. Non-smokers have half the chance of developing this disease. If people who already suffer from it, quitting will greatly reduce the risk of other associated diseases. Diabetes type 2, early detection can be successfully controlled.
  • Chromium

One of the important roles of chromium is to stimulate the metabolism of sugars and enhance the action of insulin. By regulating the level of blood sugar, chromium helps to maintain a stable energy level of the body. Studies show that chromium helps maintain normal blood pressure and maintain a healthy body weight.

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