Wednesday 7 September 2016

If You Have Joint Pain You Should Avoid This Foods!

Joint pain is a really unpleasant condition which causes discomfort, soreness, and inflammation in your joints. Many people, regardless of their age and gender experience from this issue.

This pain can be mild, or very bad, even chronic, making it impossible to use your joint.
The two main causes of joint pain are gout and arthritis. Also, it can be caused from bursitis, leukemia, lupus, fibromyalgia, muscle strains, and broken or dislocated bones.

If you are one of those who are suffering from this issue, it is of great importance to avoid these foods:
Processed and Red Meats
Processed and red meats have chemicals in their content, like purines and nitrites which have the ability to increase pain and inflammation in your body. Processed foods are high in advanced glycation end products (AGEs), toxins which can cause inflammation.

Instead of eating processed meats, try to include more fresh vegetables in your diet.
The excessive intake of beer and other alcoholic drinks can be harmful for your joints. Actually, people who drink beer have a higher risk to develop rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
Beer contains purine which is converted by the body to uric acid, which can cause inflammation. If you are suffering from joint pain, it is of great importance to avoid beer due to the fact that it is made with gluten. Furthermore, beer contains many toxins which can be very harmful to your body.
Refined and Artificial Sugars
The level of AGEs in the body which cause inflammation can also be increased by high amounts of sugar. Additionally, sugar triggers the release of cytokines in the body (the inflammatory agents)
As we all know sugar is high in calories, and the excess consumption of it can also result in weight gain, which causes an increased pressure on the joints and pain.
Refined Grains and Flour
Refined grains and flour can increase the joint pain due to the fact that they are pro-inflammatory agents. These foods trigger the production of AGEs which are known to cause inflammation.
It is recommended to replace the refined grain products such as white pasta, white rice, and white bread with whole-grain, almond, or coconut flour. Also, instead of eating white rice, you should try brown rice.
The excessive consumption of eggs can cause increased swelling and joint pain. Eggs, particularly the yolks have arachidonic acid which causes the production of prostaglandins, which can trigger inflammation in your body.
Moreover, eggs are high in saturated fat, which also has the ability to increase inflammation and pain. So, if you are an egg lover and you prefer them eating for breakfast, we recommend you to skip the yolks and eat just the egg whites
Foods containing Monosodium Glutamate
(MSG) Monosodium glutamate is a food additive to enhance the flavor of certain foods as frozen snacks, potato chips, canned and frozen Chinese foods, frozen dinners, soups, and store-bought salad dressings.
MSG can cause inflammation and pain in the body. People who already suffer from inflammatory conditions as rheumatoid arthritis are recommended to avoid this artificial additive as it can be very harmful to their health.

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