Tuesday 28 June 2016


Tea. This fresh and invigorating drink is one of the most popular beverages in the world. In fact, after water, it is the second most consumed drink in the world. Legend has it that tea was discovered accidentally by a Chinese emperor in 2737 BC, when a tea leaf fell into his bowl of hot water. Mostly people prefer tea over coffee because of its moderate caffeine content. Tea also contains lots of antioxidants. There are 4 major types of tea- white, black, green and oolong. However, all varieties have a common source in one plant- Camellia sinesis. The treatment process imparts different taste and colour.
Major Tea Varieties
White Tea

Being oxidised, it contains the most antioxidants in comparison to all the other teas.
Pros: Studies have shown that white tea can act as a blood thinner and improves artery function. It also helps in reducing cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. In fact, some research findings have said that there is evidence to suggest that white tea prevents cancer.
Cons: 8 ounces of white tea contains 30-50 mg of caffeine, much less than coffee. But, a finding reported that people who had 3-6 cups a day, absorbed large amounts of polyphenols and other compounds suspected of producing adverse effects on the body.

Black Tea
Because it’s oxidized, it needs to be brewed at higher temperatures for antioxidants to be released.
Pros: The National Cancer Institute, United States, says that drinking black tea can help prevent onset of cancer. It also helps in reducing the amount of cancer cells in the body.  It may also protect the lungs from the damage caused by cigarette smoke.
Cons: 8 ounces of black tea contains 42-72 mg of caffeine which is similar to brewed coffee. Darjeeling and Ceylon tea have the highest caffeine. Excess consumption can cause increased blood pressure, headaches, insomnia and gastrointestinal problems.
Green Tea
Green tea has a specific antioxidant EGCG that helps in reducing formation of free radicals in the body.
Pros: It lowers total cholesterol and raises HDL. Studies say that it is possibly effective for coronary artery disease, breast cancer and Parkinson’s disease.
Cons: The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, Canada, says long term use of green tea in high doses can be harmful due to its caffeine content. Reports also say, if it interacts with other supplements and drugs, green tea can worsen symptoms of existing ailments.

Oolong Tea
It is rich in antioxidants and also contains vital vitamins, minerals and other detoxifying alkaloids.
Pros: It is proven to be effective for weight-loss. It also helps in relieving chronic skin problems, and prevents tooth decay. Bone mineral density reduces with age. A study has claimed that long term consumption can cut this reduction in bone mineral density.
Cons: Excess consumption can cause headaches, anxiety, sleeplessness and diarrhoea. Too much intake can reduce the amount of extra calcium that the body is processing.

Crazy Tea Facts
  • Oolong tea can be brewed up to 3 times.
  • Tea can cure your eye puffiness. You need two steeped black tea bags. Squeeze the liquid after steeping, cool it and place on eyes for 10 minutes.
  • Always use fresh water while making tea because previously boiled water has no oxygen, this can affect the taste, and it may taste flat.
  • Green tea is not fermented. To remove moisture, it is steamed and heated.
  • Though tea has its origin in China, it is the Indian tea that happens to be the most common variety consumed throughout the world.

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