Wednesday 31 August 2016

How To Protect Against Leg Cramps And How To Never Get Leg Cramps Again! ( Video)

Many people around the world suffer from leg cramps that cause sudden and severe pain in the leg muscles. To learn how to prevent this horrible experience continue reading this article.

What causes leg cramps?
There are a number of internal factors that can cause leg cramps.

Sometimes they are due to dehydration or improper diet. In some cases, muscle spasms it is possible to point to a more serious condition, such as kidney infection.
If due to dehydration, in order to prevent it should be drunk hot water. According to experts, drinking hot water is useful, as the temperature is similar to that of blood and absorption in the dehydrated muscle is much more rapid in comparison with the drinking cold water.
Electrolyte supplements are also a great solution for people who often have muscle cramps. They are very useful because they encourage electrolyte balance and hydration and it will stop immediately spasms.
How to Prevent Leg Cramps
The most important mineral for proper functioning and for the prevention of cramps is magnesium. The recommended dosage per day is 250-300 grams. For more magnesium, in a natural way, you can eat more nuts, spinach, fish, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, lentils.
Besides magnesium, you also will need potassium, as it will also prevent cramps. In order to adjust the liquid level in the body should be taken a combination of potassium and sodium. Therefore, cramps in the legs, due to dehydration are usually caused by potassium deficiency.
Once absorbed into the digestive system, potassium directs fluids to the affected area. It is clear that you should consume foods that are rich in potassium, when you are experiencing leg cramp. Such are for example white beans, spinach, dried apricots, avocados


Tuesday 30 August 2016


Asthma is an episodic constriction of the bronchial tubes. It is a common disorder of both children and adults, often regarded as mysterious and frustrating to treat. Asthma is serious and should be discussed with your doctor. But there are also home remedies you can try to reduce the severity and frequency of your attacks. Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, and difficulty in breathing. Asthma can appear and disappear without warning. Asthma is another disease that does not have a permanent cure, although, symptoms and adversity can be suppressed with treatments and procedures. There are many medical treatments for asthma, but there are and home remedies you can try to reduce the severity and frequency of your attacks.

– Garlic – Garlic has been used as a natural remedy to manage many diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease, because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Since asthma is an inflammatory disease, it would make sense that garlic may also help relieve asthma symptoms. Peters notes, however, that there have never been any controlled studies investigating the effect of garlic on asthma symptoms, so its role in asthma treatment is unknown. The use of garlic as analternative treatment for asthma is, however, currently being studied.
– Mustard Oil – Take some mustard oil and mix camphor in it. Massage with it all over the chest, till you get relief from the asthma. Make sure that you warm the oil before massaging with it so that your chest feels the warmth and gets relieved quickly.
– Coffee – The caffeine in regular coffee can help control asthma attacks because it acts as a bronchodilator. Hot coffee helps relax and clear the airways to help you to breathe easier. But try not to drink more than three cups of black coffee in a day. If you do not like coffee, you can opt for a cup of hot black tea. Do not use caffeine as a regular treatment though.

– Honey – If you are looking for natural remedies for asthma,honey is the best one. You canconsume a teaspoon of honey mixed in hot water at least 2-3 times a day or you can also inhale the aroma of honey. Alternatively, mix one teaspoon of honey with ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

– Ginger – Ginger is also thought to decrease inflammation, and a recent study did show that oral ginger supplements were linked to improvement in asthma symptoms. The study didn’t show, however, that ginger use led to any improvement in actual lung function. As a result, Peters cautions against using this study to draw any conclusions about the use of ginger as an alternative treatment for asthma. Additional studies are now being conducted to evaluate more fully whether or not ginger may help manage asthma symptoms.
– TURMERIC – Turmeric releases COX-2 hormone substance which is involved in inflammation. You can mix turmeric with milk one spoon in one cup and drink that 2-3 times a day.


Monday 29 August 2016


Although there’s a wide array of hair dyes, these cosmetic products contain harsh chemicals that do more harm than good for your hair and scalp. For one thing, commercial hair colors irritate the scalp and damage the hair follicles, which leads to hair fall and dry, damaged hair. If you regularly use hair dyes to cover gray hair, natural solutions are more beneficial. These are much safer to use because they don’t cause scalp irritations or hair damage, and provide long-term benefits.

One of the most beneficial recipes for treating gray hair naturally is the one we recommend here.
Natural Recipe for Gray Hair Treatment 
You can easily make the recipe at home. It asks for only two ingredients and takes very little time to make.
Start by peeling 5 potatoes. You won’t need the potatoes, only the peels. Put these in a pot of water. Bring the mixture to a boil then simmer for approximately 5 minutes. Remove the pot from heat and leave it to cool off. Strain the liquid and store it in another container. To improve the scent of the remedy, add some rosemary or lavender essential oil.

After washing your hair as normal, massage your hair and scalp with this mixture. Your gray hair will restore its natural color after only several treatments!


This Powerful Home Made Tea Will Cure Swollen Legs In Few Days

Swellings on the legs are always uncomfortable and painful as well.

They can be caused by numerous different factors like weight gain, poor blood circulation, unhealthy diet, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, hot weather, temperature changes and humidity.
If your legs are swollen, you should lie down and raise them up to about 30 cm height, to reduce the swelling.

There is also another solution for this problem and you should try it to remove the excessive fluids from the body which will lower the swelling.
Parsley tea acts as a natural diuretic, and numerous studies have confirmed its beneficial effects on the general health and wellbeing.
To prepare this powerful Parsley tea follow this few simple steps:
Boil 500ml water in a pot
Chop fresh parsley roots and leaves finely and mix them.
Add 5 tablespoons of the mixture in the pot and boil them for 5 minutes.
Afterwards, leave the tea to cool down for 20 minutes and then strain it.
Drink this parsley tea three times a day and it will effectively solve the issue and the swellings in the legs will disappear in a couple of days.

Sunday 28 August 2016

3 Easy Salad Recipes to Help Control Diabetes!

You’re wrong if you think that all salads are healthy and good for you. Some of them contain hidden fats and sugar that’s why we want to help you by giving you this healthy salad recipes. This three recipes are tasty and ideal for controling diabetes.
For this tasty and mouthwatering salad you’ll need just a few ingredients.
Do the following steps: Use 6 cups baby spinach leaves and put them in a bowl. Add two minced garlic cloves and one cup sliced red onion. After that cover them with one tsp dijon mustard and add some salt and black pepper. Finish with 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp white wine vinegar and mix everything together. Enjoy!

Take 100 gr of endives and prepare them for the salad, then peel the cucumbers and slice them on pieces after you wash them. You need like 250 gr of cucumbers.
Mix this two ingredients in a bowl and seaso your salad with oil, vinegar and salt to make it tasty.

First you need to peel the cucumbers, 2 or 3 cucumbers would be enough. Next, you need to slice them in half lenghtwise and take off their seeds out with a spoon. Using a knife cut them into very thin pieces and put them into a double layer of paper towel. Squeeze them gently to remove the moisture.
Use medium bowl, and before adding the cucumbers, put some salt, vinegar and one teaspoon stevia. Then add the cucumbers and some sesame seed. Toss and mix them well.


Saturday 27 August 2016

This Drink Will Destroy Your Bones From The Inside But Everyone Drinks It

Statistics says that Americans like drinking their soda more than ever. Devastating amounts of soft drinks are consumed every day, and in numbers that would be 25%. Yes, 25% of all drinks sold in the US are actually soft drinks.

In 2000, Americans bought 15 billion gallons of soda, or a 12-ounce can per day for each citizen, regardless of their age.
The Internet is loaded with information about the devastating effect of this extremely unhealthy addiction, but in case that is not enough for you, we give you some more information that will open your eyes. At least that is what we hope.

Soda and Osteoporosis
Cola soda includes caffeine and phosphoric acid in its content.
The Framingham Osteoporosis Study tested the bone mineral density (BMD) of 1413 women and 1125 men in 2006 and discovered that the regular consumption of Cola caused a significant reduction of BMD in the hips of female subjects, which are much more susceptible to bone loss when compared than men.
According to several studies, the cause of this phenomenon is excess amounts of phosphorous, which prevents the absorption of calcium. Moreover, experts claim that phosphoric acid in cola leads to a leakage of calcium out of bones.
One other study found that the consumption of 330 mg of caffeine, or four cups of coffee leads to bone loss. It is believed that caffeine interferes with the absorption of calcium and causes loss of calcium through urine.

Therefore, soda should be avoided at all cost in the case of osteoporosis, or diseases which prevent the absorption of calcium, like Crohn’s disease, as well as by people older than 50.
If you need something to blame your extra pound on, it is your favorite can of soda. Soft drinks high up on the list of obesity causes. A single can of sugar-laden soda gives you an extra pound of weight gain every month.
If you think of switching to diet soda, we bet that you will not like this one. Diet soda is even more harmful, because it is packed with artificial sweeteners that may trigger an entire array of hormonal and physiologic issues which eventually make you fat.
Liver damage
It is the worst thing you can get to your liver. Excessive consumption of soda increases the risk of cirrhosis dramatically, which is exactly what happens to chronic alcoholics.
Tooth decay
Soft drinks damage tooth enamel and that is the smile you do not want in the mirror. Soda is highly acidic, and its chemical composition can cause even greater damage to your teeth than sugars added to candies.
Kidney stones and chronic kidney disease
Your loving Cola is ‘enriched’ with phosphoric acid, known for its ability to affect your urinary tract. These changes go to the extent that eventually you will have your kidneys filled with stones. By consuming 12-ounce cans you actually increase the risk of forming kidney stones by 15 percent.

Friday 26 August 2016


Plague is one of the most terrifying diseases of all times, it is colorless ad sticky film of bacteria which is calling on your teeth and along the gum line. This is the reason of calling cavities and gum diseases

This can be removes with regular brushing f your teeth and flossing.

In addition you will see the symptoms of this plague which will help you to notice and to visit your dentist.
  • Pain that interferes with daily living
  • Weight loss or nutrition problems from painful or difficult eating or chewing
  • Tooth loss, which may affect your appearance, confidence and self-esteem
  • In rare cases, a tooth abscess that can cause serious or even life-threatening infections
In addition we are going to present you one very effective remedy, which will help you to permanently eliminate the tartar and the plague.
You need to follow the instructions.

  • 2 tbs. of nutshell (walnut)
  • 7 oz (200ml) of water
Put the nutshells in a pot with water. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes. When cool, strain, then soak your toothbrush in this liquid. Brush your teeth for 5 minutes. Do this 3 times a day.
Dental hygiene is very important. The following tips will help you to keep tartar and plaque at bay. The British Dental Health Foundation recommends the following method:
  • Place the head of your toothbrush against your teeth, then tilt the bristle tips to a 45 degree angle against thegum line. Move the brush in small circular movements, several times, on all the surfaces of every tooth.
  • Brush the outer surfaces of each tooth, upper and lower, keeping the bristles angled against the gum line.
  • Use the same method on the inside surfaces of all your teeth.
  • Brush the biting surfaces of the teeth.
  • To clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, tilt the brush vertically and make several small circular strokes with the front part of the brush.
  • Brushing your tongue will help freshen your breath and will clean your mouth by removing bacteria

Hair dyes are filled with 5,000 types of carcinogenic chemicals! Instead, use THIS…

Many hair dyes that are used by millions of women around the world are linked to cancer. British scientists say that sets for hair dyes that are used in expensive salons have potential health risks and have already warned consumers.

Writing in a respected scientific journal, they say chemicals in permanent hair dyes can react with tobacco smoke and other pollutants in the air to form one of the most powerful cancer-causing compounds known to man.

With more than a third of women and one in ten men regularly colouring their hair, the researchers say it is ‘imperative’ that the risk to health is quantified.
However, the cosmetics industry has strongly disputed the claim.

 The warning comes from scientists at Leeds-based company Green Chemicals who conducted a review of the chemistry surrounding hair dye. They said that all the information was already available and they simply ‘joined the dots’ to make the link with cancer.
They warn that chemicals called secondary amines, which are either found in all permanent hair dyes or are formed in them, can penetrate the skin and stay on the hair for weeks, months or even years after the dye is applied.
Over time, they could react with tobacco smoke and exhaust fumes, to form highly poisonous chemicals called N-nitrosamines.
 How to use coffee for hair color
You will get the desired glow and even promote hair growth by using this simple natural mixture of coffee. Coffee really helps with hair growth according to a study published in the journal International Journal of Dermatology in January 2007.
Prepare a really strong organic coffee, preferably espresso. Inorganic coffee most likely contains some additional chemicals. Let it cool.
Mix 2 tablespoons of organic coffee beans and 1 cup prepared cold coffee and let it stay.
Apply the mixture on your hair and leave it for about an hour. No harm will give your hair a nice color of chocolate.
Simply rinse the coffee
Shampoo your hair, then pour coffee over the hair. Leave for 20 minutes. Use apple cider vinegar to rinse the coffee of your hair. Then rinse with warm water.
Repeat the same procedure for several days in a row to allow the coffee penetrate into your hair, if you do not see the desired results immediately
This is very natural and does not harm you, you should definitely try!.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Lose Weight Tonight And See The Results In The Morning With This Homemade Recipe!

This excellent and homemade natural remedy can help eliminate your abdominal fat.

It is possible to eliminate with this magical infusion in only 2 weeks, but it is very important not to stop taking this infusion to get these good results. Here we show you how to prepare the infusion and the benefits of the ingredients.
  • Cinnamon is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium and fiber.
  • It helps to cure indigestion.
  • Helps against bloating.
  • Regulatory constipation.
  • Helps cure bacterial infections.
  • Cinnamon helps reduce levels blood sugar.
  • Helps reduce cholesterol levels.

  • Clean the diuretic system
  • Helps eliminate toxins.

  • It stimulates the immune system.
  • Purifies and cleanses the skin.
  • Helps weight loss because of its detoxifying properties and inflammations
  • It gives us lots of vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • It energizes and enhances your mood. Gives more desire to move and do more.
  • Helps digestion.
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder.
  • ½ lemon or apple cider vinegar  (preferably lemon).
  • 2 tablespoons of natural honey.
  • 250 ml of water.
  • Mix one teaspoon cinnamon with half squeezed lemon and finally the hot water is added.
  • If you do not have lemon in the moment, add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar instead.
  • And let it cool a little then add the honey.
  • Take it every morning for two weeks on an empty stomach, half an hour before eating anything else and take it before going to bed to sleep.
  • This treatment may be prolonged as much up to 1 month. Then you need to rest another month.
  • It is important to be consistent, avoid taking it one day and then not taking it the other day.
  • If you take this infusion, should also make little effort and be little careful with the food, taking this infusion and not eating healthy will not help you at all.
  • It is recommended to go for a walk at least 30 minutes daily.

So, make add cinnamon to your life and spice up your weight loss routine.

Who Is Rick Simpson And What Has He Contributed To The Cannabis For Cancer Movement? (Videos How To Make Cannabis Oil)

We can thank Rick Simpson for today’s worldwide usage of cannabis oil. He was the one who “rediscovered” it, as he says. His efforts to legalize it in Canada have brought the attention to this amazing oil.

In his recipe he uses high grade naphtha as solvent to extract the oils, while a lot of oil companies use ethyl alcohol, frequently called grain alcohol, which is also used for the majority of natural tinctures, maybe because naphtha is highly flammable and there are chances of it leaving traces of toxins.

Rick came to the “rediscovery” when he suffered from a head injury at work that later caused serious post concussion syndrome that he described as having the noise of a loud motorized lawnmower in his head and sought for an alternative treatment. Once he discovered the formula, he decided to share it with others, starting from the small rural town of Maccan, Nova Scotia. He warns that those who decide on using this oil must give up on traditional treatments because they may disrupt cannabis’s efficacy.
The oil gave amazing results without causing any side-effects, but there was a problem to face – marijuana oil contains the prohibited hemp drug THC.
When he first encountered with the health problems back in 1997, he was put on prescribed medications that caused many negative side-effects. Sometime later, he found out about the health benefits of marijuana and started smoking it daily. Eventually, both the post concussion syndrome and the pharmaceutical drug fog disappeared totally.
Soon after he started his treatment, he was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma. While the three cancers were removed surgically, they came back. That’s when he decided to try marijuana oil. Within days, all three cancers were gone. He shared his remedy free of charge and many people were cured thanks to it whether they suffered from cancer, heart diseases or MS.
Because legal troubles arose, Rick had to go to Halifax, Nova Scotia, to obtain legal exemption for utilizing his oil as medical marijuana, but his demands were rejected. Nine months later he appealed to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court bringing with him 10 treated people and six medical professionals to testify in his favor, but it was still all for nothing. The appeal was rejected. That’s when he realized that it wasn’t only the legal system holding him back, Big Pharma was also included. He decided to move to Amsterdam and lived there for a long time. Then, he started his tour and preached about cannabis oil.
Fortunately, today this oil is available everywhere where cannabis is legal, and day after day more and more countries legalize this amazing herb.
The video below shows the preparation utilizing grain alcohol, basis for a lot of casts and liquor.