Tuesday 30 August 2016


Asthma is an episodic constriction of the bronchial tubes. It is a common disorder of both children and adults, often regarded as mysterious and frustrating to treat. Asthma is serious and should be discussed with your doctor. But there are also home remedies you can try to reduce the severity and frequency of your attacks. Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, and difficulty in breathing. Asthma can appear and disappear without warning. Asthma is another disease that does not have a permanent cure, although, symptoms and adversity can be suppressed with treatments and procedures. There are many medical treatments for asthma, but there are and home remedies you can try to reduce the severity and frequency of your attacks.

– Garlic – Garlic has been used as a natural remedy to manage many diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease, because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Since asthma is an inflammatory disease, it would make sense that garlic may also help relieve asthma symptoms. Peters notes, however, that there have never been any controlled studies investigating the effect of garlic on asthma symptoms, so its role in asthma treatment is unknown. The use of garlic as analternative treatment for asthma is, however, currently being studied.
– Mustard Oil – Take some mustard oil and mix camphor in it. Massage with it all over the chest, till you get relief from the asthma. Make sure that you warm the oil before massaging with it so that your chest feels the warmth and gets relieved quickly.
– Coffee – The caffeine in regular coffee can help control asthma attacks because it acts as a bronchodilator. Hot coffee helps relax and clear the airways to help you to breathe easier. But try not to drink more than three cups of black coffee in a day. If you do not like coffee, you can opt for a cup of hot black tea. Do not use caffeine as a regular treatment though.

– Honey – If you are looking for natural remedies for asthma,honey is the best one. You canconsume a teaspoon of honey mixed in hot water at least 2-3 times a day or you can also inhale the aroma of honey. Alternatively, mix one teaspoon of honey with ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

– Ginger – Ginger is also thought to decrease inflammation, and a recent study did show that oral ginger supplements were linked to improvement in asthma symptoms. The study didn’t show, however, that ginger use led to any improvement in actual lung function. As a result, Peters cautions against using this study to draw any conclusions about the use of ginger as an alternative treatment for asthma. Additional studies are now being conducted to evaluate more fully whether or not ginger may help manage asthma symptoms.
– TURMERIC – Turmeric releases COX-2 hormone substance which is involved in inflammation. You can mix turmeric with milk one spoon in one cup and drink that 2-3 times a day.

Source:- http://dailyhealthsupport.com/

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