Wednesday 24 August 2016

The Biggest Loser 7-Day Diet Plan

In the world today, weight has become such a major issue in the world, causing many people to go through hell trying to cut down on their weight. This problem is mostly associated with women even though few men are also faced with this problem. In this article, we shall discuss a simple 7-day women’s diet plan to help you to lose weight in a healthy way. In this exercise, you will be required to have at least 10 glasses of water every day, even though a higher amount is advised for the first 2 days. These diet plans include:

Day 1: fruits
If presumably, you start your weight loosing exercise on a Monday, then you should ensure that you eat more fruits than actual food in this day. This is because fruits contain natural food substances that keep your body energized and also helps to reduce the calories in your body that makes you fat. Additionally, fruits will keep your stomach full and hence you won’t feel hungry or even have to fast when trying to cut down your weight. Optionally, you can decide to have a fruit salad/pudding or your lunch and snacks, to enable you to enjoy them better. However, you will need to avoid the fruits with a lot of sugar and hence go for the one with less amount of sugar and more water. Such fruits may include watermelons, citrus fruits, apples and others.

Day 2: vegetables
While trying out the second day of your dieting exercise, you can decide to start your day with a piece of boiled yam tuber instead of your normal cereals. This will give you the energy to deal with the hectic day awaiting you and will also allow your body to get the nutrients needed in a much healthier manner. Throughout the day, you can decide to have more vegetables served in different desirable but healthy ways including vegetable salads and other ways.

Day 3: fruits and vegetables
In the third day of your exercise, it is advisable to try a mix of vegetables and fruits throughout the day including breakfast, but you are advised to avoid fruits like bananas and also potatoes. This means that you can also fruit and vegetable salads throughout the day.
Day 4: bananas, milk, and vegetables
Having avoided bananas for the last three days of this exercise, you can now relax and have eight bananas and a glass of milk to go with every major meal of the day. You can also prepare vegetable soup as a part of your meals.
Day 5: fruits, vegetables, and boiled rice
For your lunch and dinner, you can eat a bowl of rice together with some tomatoes or some vegetable soup depending on the desired taste. Fruits can also be a part of your meals or snacks, provided you have a combination of all these three items in a day.
Day 6: rice on vegetables
As a week is almost over, you will eat rice and vegetables on this day even though you have to be sure that the amount of rice taken is much less as compared to the vegetables. You can also prepare salads and vegetable soup just like on day 5.

Day 7: rice and vegetables
On the last day of this exercise, you should continue eating food just like you did on day six. You can also take fruit juice if available or if you want to.

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