Monday 29 August 2016

This Powerful Home Made Tea Will Cure Swollen Legs In Few Days

Swellings on the legs are always uncomfortable and painful as well.

They can be caused by numerous different factors like weight gain, poor blood circulation, unhealthy diet, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, hot weather, temperature changes and humidity.
If your legs are swollen, you should lie down and raise them up to about 30 cm height, to reduce the swelling.

There is also another solution for this problem and you should try it to remove the excessive fluids from the body which will lower the swelling.
Parsley tea acts as a natural diuretic, and numerous studies have confirmed its beneficial effects on the general health and wellbeing.
To prepare this powerful Parsley tea follow this few simple steps:
Boil 500ml water in a pot
Chop fresh parsley roots and leaves finely and mix them.
Add 5 tablespoons of the mixture in the pot and boil them for 5 minutes.
Afterwards, leave the tea to cool down for 20 minutes and then strain it.
Drink this parsley tea three times a day and it will effectively solve the issue and the swellings in the legs will disappear in a couple of days.

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