Sunday 7 August 2016


According to Tulio Simoncini, an Italian oncologist, cancer is caused by a fungus called Candida albicans.
He says that cancer can be treated by simply alkalizing the tumor and the organism using baking soda. Baking soda is effective in reducing the tumor and preventing metastases.

His theory is based  on 4 simple elements:
1.Acidic bodies are related to various health complications,  including cancer.
2. Beneficial bacteria is the first defense line, as during the night, they digest fungus, yeast, and microbes that have entered the body during the day. In fact, the ideal food for beneficial bacteria is Candida albicans.

3. Intestines are the habitat of beneficial bacteria.
The beneficial bacteria stimulate 85% of the immuno-reactions to release anti-cancer vitamins such as  vitamin K, biotin, folic acid,  and B-12, from foods and create a compound called sodium butyrate,  which forces cancerous cells to destroy themselves.
Acidity impedes the function of the beneficial bacteria.
4. Baking soda is an antacid, which is efficient in alkalizing the body. Likewise, it helps digestion, and is quite affordable.
Moreover, Candida is anaerobe, and hence it requires oxygen for energy. When in your bloodstream, it colonizes certain areas of the body and substantially reduces the oxygen levels there.

Therefore, the local cells aren’t destroyed, but transform energy generation to a system that doesn’t use oxygen.
Next, since cancerous cells don’t require oxygen for energy generation from the food molecules, this system is suitable for them.
Candida Albicans manages to escape the intestines, and via the bloodstream, could travel across the body. Oregano oil and cinnamon have been proven to have the potential to expel it from the bloodstream.
By using cinnamon, 25% of people with type-2 Diabetics have found help.
The explanation is that fungus stays on the outside linings of cells, thereby disabling the vital receptor cells. Consequently, the insulin receptor cells are affected, thanks to diabetes.
In addition, Candida releases a waste substance similar to sugar. As such, in the case of high blood sugar levels, individuals are more prone to cancer and have minimal chances to treat it.
According to a research released by Cancer Watch, the risk of breast cancer is raised by 100% in women who’ve used antibiotics for over 25 times in their life.
The ailment treated with antibiotics weakens their immune system, and the beneficial bacteria levels are also reduced. In this case, the environment in the gut is excellent for Candida, and it has a better chance to enter the bloodstream.

According to this renowned Italian oncologist, Candida, which causes cancer, is disabled in a alkaline body state. Hence, you’re advised to first buy baking soda and use it to deal with this disease.

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