Sunday 31 July 2016

13 Healthy Eating Tips for a Busy Lifestyle

With deadlines to meet, after work drinks, frequent dining out, late nights and early mornings, it’s easy to forget how simple it is to take control of your health. The following healthy eating tips outline some of the simplest ways to enhance your everyday health, boost your metabolism, maintain a healthy weight, increase brain function and start feeling powerful from the inside out.

1. Start Your Day Off Right, Eat Breakfast

Eating breakfast is important for sustaining energy levels and aiding in blood sugar management. Avoid eating a breakfast that is high in carbohydrates and sugar. This just sets us up for a blood sugar rollercoaster.

Choose a healthy breakfast that is:

high in complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, cereals, fruits, vegetables)
high in fiber (whole grain cereals and breads, ground flax and chia)
rich in protein (nuts, seeds, non-dairy almond or hemp milk, organic cow's milk and yogurt, eggs, quality protein powders)
and provides good fats (nuts, seeds, avocados, healthy oils like extra virgin olive, flax and coconut)

2. Don’t Rely On Coffee!

Excess coffee overloads your liver, dehydrates you (coffee is a diuretic) and increases the risk of blood sugar irregularities (afternoon energy dips sound familiar?). Your liver is the body’s detoxifying organ and if overloaded, your chances for disease, sluggishness and weight gain will increase. Try to decrease coffee or eliminate it altogether. There are some great coffee alternatives on the market. You can also enjoy herbal teas: dandelion root (liver detox), ginseng (energy), oolong (weight loss), green tea (concentration), and peppermint (stomach ease).

3. Stay Hydrated

This step is as easy as carrying a stainless steel or glass water bottle with you. Count how many times you fill it up. At least eight glasses of water a day will keep your energy levels high, your hunger down, your digestion smooth and your concentration sharp. When we are dehydrated, our bodies often mistake this feeling for hunger. Make sure to not drink water before meals as this can hinder digestion. Drink 20 minutes before and 60 or minutes after. Also, try and drink room temperature water because cold water increases gastrointestinal contraction and slows digestion down.

4. Decrease Packaged and Refined Foods

Most packaged goods are loaded with sugar, excess sodium, stabilizers, preservatives and Scary Seven ingredients like artificial colors and flavors. If you cannot pronounce even one ingredient, skip it! Another good rule of thumb is "the fewer the ingredients the better."

5. Eat Local, Whole Foods

How did our ancestors eat 100 years ago? Fresh meats, fish, beans, grains, nuts, seeds and fruit and veggies is what our ancestors relied on. Whole foods are the key to good health. When you’re wondering what you can bring to snack on during the day, try bringing a nut bar, some fruit or sliced veggies.

6. Dine out the Smart Way

When ordering meat at a restaurant, look for words like steamed, baked, poached, roasted, broiled or grilled. Do your best to avoid foods with the words fried, au gratin, crispy, escalloped, pan-fried, sautéed or stuffed which are good indications that the foods are high in fat and calories. If an item calls for one of these options, ask the food item to be grilled, steamed, or baked instead.

7. Limit Alcohol Intake

For every alcoholic drink you have, drink a glass of water. Alcohol dehydrates, lowers inhibitions and increases your appetite. As a rule of thumb, men should have no more than two drinks daily and females no more than one. Healthier alternatives are light beer, virgin Caesar, white wine spritzer, sparkling water or just straight up water with lots of lemon. No one needs to know your drink is non-alcoholic, just ask for it in a tumbler or whisky glass.

8. Avoid White Processed Foods

White rice, white bread, white pasta, and white sauces. White flour foods are all processed and the good fiber and nutrients are significantly reduced. Enjoy whole grain breads, pastas, brown rice and whole grains like quinoa, wild rice, millet and buckwheat instead. Go for a tomato or pesto sauce instead of white sauces which tend to be laden with saturated fat and sodium.

9. Carry Snacks With You

No matter how long you will be out for, always have a piece of fruit or a healthy protein or nut bar with you. Eating every three hours will help to keep your blood sugar steady and decrease overeating at meal times.

10. Don’t Overeat

Eat until you are 'sufficiently sufficed', 80 percent full and no more. If you are still hungry after 10 minutes, then have a little bit more. Overeating not only causes weight gain, even if you are eating healthy foods, but it also slows down digestion and can lead to more serious problems like irritable bowel syndrome and diabetes.

11. Increase Fruits and Vegetables

Eat 2 to 3 servings of fruit and 5 to 7 servings of vegetables each day. Think colorful, fresh and local! Be sure to eat lots of greens (kale, bok-choy, swiss chard, spinach) as these are the most nutritionally powerful foods.

12. Avoid Eating Late

Your metabolism slows down at night so you can count on anything you eat within three hours of bedtime sticking to your bones! Eating before 8 pm will allow your body to detoxify before you rest and helps get rid of unnecessary weight.

13. Supplement

No matter how good your diet may be, no one has a perfect nutritional profile. With environmental toxins and poor soil quality so prevalent, as well work and life stresses, we may be getting appropriate nutrients in our diet. A good quality multivitamin/mineral is a must-have, along with probiotic supplementation, a B-complex vitamin (for stress, metabolism and healthy immune system) and a good quality EFA (essential fatty acid/omega 3) supplement. Look for fish oil to keep brain function high, digestion smooth, stress down, inflammation down and appetite controlled. Consult a Registered Nutritionist for more information on your nutritional profile. Every single person is different and needs a different supplementation plan to stay healthy.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Herbal Hair Loss Remedies

Herbs have an obvious appeal for many people because it's natural healing mechanisms of the body to support the cause of the problem, rather than simply determining just treating the symptoms. It would be wrong to present herbal remedies for hair loss as a panacea for all victims - however, there is evidence increasingly supporting the idea that some funds offer real hope to many people.

Take the case of some of the most popular means to determine whether it is worth a try. 

Ginkyo biloba - this popular herb is thought to improve blood flow to the brain and skin. Botanists believe that the increased blood flow in the area of ​​the brain brings more nutrients to the hair follicles thus promoting hair regrowth. The recommended dose is 120 160 mg dry extract per day spread over three doses. Green tea (Camellia sinensis) - believes that the catechins in green tea, the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT inhibiting. Therefore believed to be effective in the prevention and treatment of male pattern hair loss. You should drink several cups of green tea each day or take in capsule form as instructed by the manufacturer. 

He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) - also known as Fo-Ti has this Chinese herb traditionally used to reduce hair loss. Found in many commercial preparations or tea and capsules. 

Pygeum (Pygeum africanum) - from the bark of an evergreen tree that looks like green tea derived. It is commonly used to treat prostate problems and male pattern baldness. Users should take 60 to 500 mg per day as tablets or capsules. Saw Palmetto (Serano repens) - this is the current treatment of choice for many men to protect their ability, the prostate, slow hair loss and stimulate hair growth. It is the heart of a large number of commercially prepared hair loss treatments but can easily be obtained in pure form. The recommended dose is one capsule of 160 mg twice daily, but make sure that the ingredients made from the berry extract not the dried berries themselves. 

Nettle (Urtica dioica) - This was seen as a way to encourage hair loss because of its ability to prevent blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT. It can be taken as tablets or capsules with an optimal dose of 50-100mg per day. It is particularly effective when combined with pygeum and saw palmetto.

Proven Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

In today’s day and age, sedentary lifestyle had become prominent. Most of the young executives spend their entire day and sometimes night as well, sitting in front of a laptop. This has yielded a lot of money in their lives, at the expense of their de-shaped bodies and growing obesity. Now the key to lose weight in such a scenario is to do something that is super-efficient – efficient enough to help them shed pounds without much effort. No, the answer does not lie in some magic wand. It lies in magic potions – JUICES!!! Here are the top 3 juicing recipes for weight loss.

Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

So if you are a weight loss aspirant, then you need to keep these juicing recipes in mind.

The Green Machine

As evident from the name, it is a green drink and includes every benefit of green ingredients. You can drink it all day. Most importantly you can enjoy it in your free time. It is low in calories and rich in antioxidants, so it is everything you need! Try to choose a juicer which is masticating enough to squeeze the ingredients wholly. This is one of the healthiest drinks

One bunch of kale, one stick of celery, juice of one lime, one Avocado, half bunch of spinach, half bunch of chard, a smaller bunch of parsley, two carrots and one cucumber.
How to prepare: Want to experience the green machine? Follow the instructions given below
STEP 1: Squeeze the lime juice, and put it into a collection jar
STEP 2: Add ice
STEP 3: Juice all the greens, including Avocado
STEP 4: Mix it all up

Original Source

Health Benefits of Mushrooms

While thinking about the pizza topping I can have for dinner, I searched for the one with the most nutritional value. Guess what I found? Mushrooms. Tasty and healthy. We should always find ways to clean up our diet to stuff that is very healthy for us, and if the element is as tasty as mushroom who wouldn’t want to eat it all day? Here are some of the most amazing health benefits of mushrooms you would love to have.

On  a serious note, some of the species of mushroom are highly dangerous! Do not ever go picking mushrooms from any forest or garden! Safer way of eating mushrooms is to buy them from the market because they have been picked by trained people knowing which mushroom is edible. Always stay healthy!
Health Benefits of Mushrooms

1)It is filled with iron and 90% of it is absorbed by our body.

Anemic people are always trying to food that can help them to overcome the situation, mushrooms are a very good source for iron. Tired with headaches, dizziness and random tiredness all the time, when anemic people try to take iron medicines for betterment of their health, they usually don’t see the results. They desperately search for something that can cure the iron deficiency and I can assure you mushrooms hep a lot. This simple element can be even added to your every day salad.

2) It protects your body from most deadly types of cancer.

Beta-Glucans and Linoleic Acid are two polyssacahrides that both have anti-carcinogenic effects. Beta glucons are famously known for inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells, where as Linoleic Acid suppress the harmful effects of estrogen which is the main cause of breast cancer. Mushrooms also have antitumor properties.

3) It strengthen your immune system.

Mushrooms are known for increasing the number of proteins that are supposed to protect you from every type of foreign element like bacteria, germs, virus and even free radicals. They contain natural antibiotics and you might be shocked to hear that even penicillin is extracted from mushrooms. These natural antibiotics stop the growth of microbes and fungal infections. Mushrooms also heal ulcers. Vitamin A, B and C that are found in mushrooms are well praised for healthy immune system.

4) It makes your bones stronger.

If you don’t know yet, you should know that calcium isn’t the only substance needed for better bones. Vitamin D is must for calcium to work in first place. Bad news is vitamin D is rarely found in fruits and vegetables, good news is Mushroom is the only fruit or vegetable to exist with vitamin D.

5) It contain a huge amount of Potassium.

Potassium relaxes the tension in blood vessels, in result decreasing the blood pressure and preventing hypertension. Hypertension is the cause of many well known heart diseases like atherosclerosis, angina and heart attack. Some researches give the evidence that people having higher concentrations of potassium have better memory and knowledge gaining abilities.
These are five of the many reasons why mushrooms should be added to your everyday life and should be taken in as an important element. This always gives you more reasons to order pizza in, just make your mommy read this.


These 5 Super Foods Will Burn Your Tummy Fat Fast

From the last few weeks I worked to get the flat tummy. Though it takes some time but it worked for me and my friends. In this journey, I learned many important facts about the tummy fat and the tricks to get rid of it in the less possible time. Belly fat is the most stubborn fat of the human body. It makes your physique unattractive and also very difficult to get rid of it. Not only your physical appearance is involved in it but bulging tummy also increases the risk of liver diseases, diabetes and blood pressure.
If you want a flat tummy then first of all work at your posture if it’s not in proper alignment then not a single trick will work for you. Stand straight in front of the wall with the head, shoulder and feet touching the wall. This is the right posture for your body. It will help you to strengthen your body core and fix tummy in proper position.
You also spend your energies at the gym and in daily workout routine but more than that you have to work even harder in the kitchen.
Use our modified list of top 5 super foods that will help you to burn tummy fat fast in the best possible way.

Burn Your Tummy Fat Fast With Super Foods

  1. Tomatoes

Tomato is a fruit which also used in a combination with many vegetables. It carries a compound 9-oxo- ODA. This compound reduces lipids in the blood and in turn burns tummy fat. It also improves the body metabolic rate. Moreover, the presence of the antioxidants and the lycopene helps to fight against wrinkles, cancer and bad cholesterol. As powerful source of iron and potassium nutrients, include tomatoes to your daily recipes for healthy body.

Eating papaya in your breakfast in the early morning can do wonders. To witness that, experience it and enjoy the results. The presence of papain enzyme in papaya helps to control bloating and break down food fast. It is also very good for proper food digestion.
3. Green tea
2 to 3 cups of green tea with lemon daily helps burn fat from your body, especially around your belly. It is very effective as a single cup of green tea acts as an antioxidant, improves metabolic rate and also removes toxins from your body. Additionally, it helps to improve breath and aids in relieving mental stress. Approximately 10-15 calories burns from a cup of green tea.
4. Almonds
Almonds are a rich source of Omega with the poly saturated and mono saturated fats. Though they are high in calorie but presence of vitamin E, high level of protein and fibre helps to control hunger pangs and improves digestion. In turn it gives you the flat belly to adore. Being low in calories food, include roasted almonds in your snack, salad or recipes.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar in warm glass of water is great to burn body fat. It reduces water retention in your body and removes toxins from your body. It also helps in proper digestion of food and kills the injurious bacteria in your intestine.
Remember, these super foods do help to burn abdominal fat but you have to incorporate some exercise plan for desired result. Hope you learn how to burn your tummy fat fast.
DO NOT eat junk food, deep fried food, bad fat, artificial sweeteners and soda’s.

Monday 25 July 2016

Every Day She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Face. What Happens After 7 Days Will Surprise You!

Aloe Vera is the most used ingredient is beauty products because its numerous medicinal properties and health benefits. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive beauty products in order to have a healthy and glowing skin. Just do a simple treatment with this powerful plant and you will be surprised with the effects. 

This is how to use Aloe Vera to get a flawless, healthy skin:

1. Wash the plant well
  Wash the plant and clean all its but don’t peel it.

2. Soften the aloe Vera leaves
Thump on the leaves a little to soften them.

3. Cut the leaves in an few pieces 
 As you do not need the entire leaf at once you can keep the pieces for the next treatment

4. Cut the edges of the leaf
Then, cut off the edges of the leaves from both sides so you can peel it easily.

5. Split the leaf in two
With your hands, split the open leaf, and if you cannot do it easily, use a knife to slit through its center.

6. Extract the juice

Use a spoon to extract the juice of the leaf, take as much as you need. Pour the juice in a bowl.

7. Rub all over your face
Apply the Aloe Vera juice all over your face. Use the leaf to massage the face, and leave the juice for 20 minutes to dry on the face.

8. Rinse
Peel the aloe Vera mask off the face and wash the face with clean water. Do not use any chemical products in washing as it may reduce the effect of the aloe Vera.

9. Healthy and Glowing Skin
Dry the face with a towel and your face will simply glow! The skin will be soft, revitalized and healthy!

Do this method for 7 days and the results are just satisfying.


The incredible abilities of folk remedies used for centuries have only recently started being appreciated. One such remedy is for example prepared of baking soda and castor oil. It can treat 24 common health issues and is a proof of how effective folk remedies can be.

Castor oil is recommended for treatment of various diseases and conditions, even in case when conventional drugs are unable to help. It has a positive effect on circulation, so that’s why a lot of people use it as a coating.
How To Make Castor Oil Wipes
Castor oil compresses are very easy to make and are extremely effective. Buy some cold pressed oil. You will also need plastic sheet, a clean gauze or cotton flannel, hot water bottle and a towel.
Clean your skin with baking soda before and after using the compress. Soak the gauze in castor oil and apply it to affected area. Cover with the plastic sheet and put the hot water bottle over it. Wrap a towel over it and hold in place for at least an hour.
Repeat this process for 40 days, and change the coating every time it smells strange or changes colors.
Here are some of the many health benefits and uses of castor oil:

1. It treats burn, bruises and cuts effectively.
2. To heal an injured ankle quickly, put a coating of castor oil on it.
3. Massage some castor oil on your stomach to reduce and prevent stretch marks.
4. A mixture of baking soda and castor oil can eliminate dark spots on your face.
5. Put a drop of castor oil in your eyes before going to bed to cure cataract.
6. Chronic coarseness and vocal cord nodules can be cured by applying a castor oil coating on the neck.
7. Castor oil can eliminate pilonidal cysts effectively.
8. To treat allergies, drink 5 drops of the oil every day.
9. Rub some castor oil on your eyelids before going to bed to treat eye allergies.
10. Drink a couple of drops of castor oil every day to reduce your nicotine and alcohol addiction.
11. Massage your scalp with castor oil every day to make your skin grow like crazy.
12. A few drops of castor oil in your ear will drastically improve your hearing.

13. Drink 6-8 drops of the oil for 4 months to cure tinnitus.
14. Applying castor oil coating on an aching back will relieve the pain.
15. Apply castor oil coating on your stomach to relieve diarrhea.
16. To eliminate warts, rub them with castor oil for a month.
17. Daily application of castor oil coatings can cure fungal infections on the feet such as Athlete’s foot.
18. Massage your soles with castor oil regularly to reduce the calcium deposits.
19. To get rid of moles in a month, rub some castor oil on them.
20. Hyperactivity can be treated by applying castor oil soakings on the stomach.
21. Castor oil is one of the best remedies against hepatitis.
22. A mixture of baking soda and castor oil can treat cancer.

23. Apply some castor oil on bug bites to reduce the swelling and itching.
24. Apply some castor oil coatings on the stomach for 2 weeks to stop snoring

Saturday 23 July 2016

The Miracle of The Gelatin Recipe – Will Heal Pain in Your Back, Legs, Ankles

If you suffer from joint pain, pains in the back or legs, than you know that it is quite an uncomfortable issue. Most often, these conditions are treated by using certain balms and sprays, as well as painkillers, but this article will present a completely natural remedy to cure the pain.

The below recipe is an effective way of relieving back pain and pain of the joints and legs. Its main ingredient is gelatin. It contains two amino acids, proline and hidrosiprolin which are beneficial for the recovery of the connective tissue. Moreover, gelatin provides strength to the joints and heart muscles, improves metabolism, and improves skin health.


  • 5.5 oz / 150 grams of any edible organic gelatin
  • Cold Water (2 oz)
Method of preparation:
Pour about two teaspoons of edible organic gelatin in a quarter of a glass (2 oz ) filled with refrigerated cold water and mix well. Then, cover the glass and keep it overnight. The gelatin will form a jelly.

Drink this remedy early in the morning on an empty stomach. In order to enrich its flavor, you can add water and honey, or mix yogurt or sour milk.
It is stated that this effective method relieves pain in 7 days. However, consume it for one month and repeat the procedure after 6 months. This will provide lubrication to the joints and reduce the pain.

(Apologies to our vegetarian/vegan readers! Close your eyes, plug your ears, do what you have to do – this article is probably not for you.)
Add gelatine to your diet to increase metabolism and treat non-seasonal allergies.
Gelatin is nothing more than a processed version of the structural protein collagen found in many animals, and in humans. Collagen makes up almost one-third of all the protein in the human body. Collagen is a fibrous protein that strengthens the body’s connective tissues, allowing them to be elastic so they can stretch without breaking. As you get older, your body makes less collagen, and individual collagen fibers become increasingly cross-linked with each other. You might experience this as stiff joints from less flexible tendons, or wrinkles due to loss of skin elasticity. Gelatin can come from the collagen in cow or pig bones, hides and connective tissues.
Gelatin also contains 18 amino acids. Many of these amino acids are essential, meaning they can’t be produced by our bodies, and must be taken in as part of our diet.
Gelatin is a multi-use remedy, with a diverse list of benefits. This is by no means an exhaustive list of things you may notice with more gelatin in your diet, but it’s a good start.
  • It can help aid digestion and even heal digestive disorders.
  • Taking gelatin is a good way to get more protein in your diet. (Think picky eaters, pregnant women who need to boost protein intake, or those eating a mostly plant-based diet.) Adding gelatin to food is an excellent way to supplement protein without having to fill up on extra food. It should not, however, be your only source of protein since gelatin is not a complete protein. When taken with food, it helps your body better utilize other proteins and nutrients.
  • The use of gelatin improves hair quality, growth, and texture. Long term use can make hair shiny and strong.
  • Since our bodies make less collagen as we age, gelatin can improve skin health by providing more elasticity.
  • Daily consumption of gelatin has been shown to improve nail strength and rate of growth.
  • Supplementing with gelatin can be beneficial for overall joint and bone health, and has been shown to reduce joint pain related to arthritis.
  • Gelatin is a much better alternative to protein powders, which often contain artificial sweeteners and/or preservatives.
  • Gelatin has a protein sparing effect, helping to take the edge off hunger.
  • It can also promote a more restful night of sleep

Source Healthyfoodhouse

Do you know why it’s very IMPORTANT to MASSAGE your feet before bed?

Self massage can provide you comfort and relieve. Also, many physicians have said that this healing technique before going to bed includes many health benefits.

I am sure you already know that the massage is great for the blood flow. Moreover, it also stimulates the process of secretion of the sweat and sebaceous glands, boosts the metabolism, reduces the subcutaneous fats level, improves oxygenation in the tissues, improves the health of the skin and makes it more resistant, flexible and smoother.

Additionally, the massage is also popular for its positive effects on the muscles. Massage makes them stronger, more flexible and relieves the tension in any muscle. Lactic acid is one of the biggest reasons for muscle pain and spasm. But, massage helps in eliminating of the accumulations of this acid.
Massage stimulates and boosts the digestion process and also it can be used as an addition to some existing treatment or as a separate treatment for many health conditions.
Pain can be relieved by using this technique and by pressing certain points of the foot. Moreover, this technique can even treat certain diseases in different body organs. This has been practiced in many countries for centuries.

Specialists advise performing this procedure every day, before going to bed. It will take you 10-15 minutes massaging daily to feel the positive effects after few days.
Feet are among the easiest parts of the body you can give a self-massage, and it’s something that can be done wherever you happen to be.

Reflexology foot massage is an incredible healing procedure that can alleviate many symptoms such as headache, insomnia, chronic fatigue, dizziness, as well as help treat the fundamental reason of many diseases like liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure.

When the proper reflexology foot massage techniques are used, this experience can be one of the most enjoyable. The right foot massage is the strongest stress relieving treatment, and also it is a great way to finish a full body massage.
Take a good look at the picture and massage the point of the specified organ or the whole foot to improve your overall health.

Friday 22 July 2016

This Syrup Is 10 Times Stronger Than Penicillin – Kills All Viruses And Bacteria In The Body!

Even though it is the end of the winter, we are constantly fighting against cold and flu. Namely, as the weather gets improved, our body becomes the target of numerous infections and bacteria, and consequently, our immune system weakens as is no longer able to prevent all of them.

You can always use antibiotic but you will always have to deal with the side effects and in some cases they are unable to fight against viruses.

Natural remedies are always the best option, they don’t give you the horrible side effects that antibiotic give, they will also boost your immune system and restore your health.

We are going to tell you about this amazing home remedy that will be more effective than any antibiotic would be and will treat asthma, persistent cough, sore throat, respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis and any trouble you have with breathing.

What’s more, this natural recipe includes only 3 ingredients that all of you already have in the kitchen.


1. ½ cup of organic honey
2. ¼ cup of organic ACV
3. 2 Garlic cloves
4. ½ cup of water

Method of preparation:

1. Chop the garlic cloves
2. Mi with all of the other ingredients
3. Place the mixture in a jar
4. Let it sit over night to become homogeneous
5. Strain the next day
6. When not in use store it in a dark cool place.


If you are using this remedy to improve your immune system, you should regularly take 5 drops of this miraculous syrup on a daily basis. If you are using it in order to treat a certain health issue, you should take a tablespoon of the syrup every two hours until you feel the improvement

Health benefits

Organic honey contains high sources of vitamins, minerals and enzymes and it will fight against any free radicals because it acts as an antioxidant. It contains high anti inflammatory and also antibacterial properties which will relieve any problem you have with colds, cough or a sore throat.

On the other hand, apple cider vinegar also contains potent antibacterial and antiviral properties, so it boosts the immune system and aids in the fight against viruses and bacteria. Apple cider vinegar is also rich in trace minerals, enzymes, and bacteria which will improve the health of the entire body.

Garlic has been used for home remedies for centuries as it helps incredibly for any respiratory issues. Garlic contains an antiviral and antibacterial property that stimulates the immune system.

Moreover, it can prevent mutation changes in viruses, which is extremely important in the struggle with new and mutated viruses. These powerful properties are due to allicin, a compound it contains and is 10 times more powerful than penicillin.

Due to all this, garlic is a real super food and is extremely helpful in the fight against inflammations and bacteria. Its use significantly promotes health and ensures your wellbeing

After You Read This, You’ll Never Throw Away This Part Of The Bananas!

The healthy benefits of bananas are well-known, but the potent qualities of their peel are no less important. Every one of us throw it away after eating the banana, but people in certain countries, such as India use the healthy benefits of the banana skin by eating it for centuries.

Here is now to use the banana peel:

1. Banana peel for teeth whitening
With the inner part of a banana peel gently rub your teeth every day for two weeks. For a while you will notice the amazing results.

2. Remove skin warts

If you suffer from skin warts, this issue can be solved with a banana peel. Not only you will clear away them, but in same time you will prevent their presence in the future. Apply a banana peel part over the wart on your skin and fix it with a bandage. Let it stay like that over the night. Repeat this procedure until you completely remove the wart.

3. Acne and wrinkle-free

The banana is perfect for total skin care. The reason is that it contains anti-aging and antioxidants properties. Bananas nourish and hydrate your skin. Gently rub the banana peel on your skin, especially in the problematic and irritated areas. Let it stay like that for about 30 minutes.

4. Curing psoriasis

Unluckily, this skin disease can’t be completely cured with banana peel, but it can soothe the symptoms of psoriasis.

5. Banana peel as an analgesic

Rub irritated areas on your body with a banana peel. It is an amazing analgesic.

6.Banana peel for losing weight

You probably know that bananas have potassium. But did you know that a great deal of that potassium is present in banana peel? It can have about 40% of the potassium.

This mineral is required if you want to lose weight in fast way. It boosts metabolism, so you burn more and more calories and muscles have required energy. If you have energy, you can be more active.

But, banana peels have many other things, such vitamin A, vitamin B, fiber and antioxidants.

Fiber is more present in the peel, than in the banana itself. Fiber keeps you full for a longer period of time.

Now you know that banana peels have some incredibly awesome weight-loss benefits. And really, it’s not as strange as it sounds. Make the banana peel recipe shown in this article and you’ll be amazed.

Bananas Skins with Black-Eyed Peas

Juice of one lime
1 teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon mustard seeds
2 teaspoons coconut oil
4 green banana peels
½ c black-eyed peas (if using fresh, soak overnight)
2 tablespoons unsweetened grated coconut


Cut the peels into small slices and boil in water with turmeric and pinch of salt. To prevent sap from sticking to your pot, add a several drops of oil to the water. Bring to a boil, and then simmer until skins are tender. After that drain, and keep the water for a later use (we like to use it to cook rice or as a base for soup).

If using fresh black-eyed peas, boil until tender. If using canned, rinse and drain beans.
Heat coconut oil in frying pan or skillet on medium heat. Add mustard seeds and cook until they begin to pop.

Add boiled black-eyed peas  and peels , stir, and cook for about 5-6 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in coconut. Add salt to taste and finish with lime juice. Serve.
Green or yellow banana peel?

Cancer fighting characteristics are more existing in ripe bananas and they can help your body produce white blood cells.

But if you want to lose weight, green peels are better because they have more probiotics. Probiotics help in improving the digestive health. Plus, it has been proven that green peels raises the levels of dopamine and serotonin.

Maybe it would be hard for you to eat the peel, but there are some ways you can do that.

For example, you can use it in a smoothie. Throw away both ends of the peel and put it in a blender, adding some ice, cinnamon, coconut milk, or any other ingredient you like. If you choose this procedure, use yellow peels because they have a banana flavor and are sweeter.

You can also consume ripe bananas in tea. To prepare the tea, throw away the ends and boil the peel in a pot for about 15 minutes. Strain it and enjoy in your banana tea. If you want your tea sweeter, add a small amount of honey.

But, green bananas are better for cooking. You can use green banana peels to prepare curries or chutney, or even use them instead of potatoes. The only thing you need is being creative. Feel free to get creative.