Monday 18 July 2016


1. Aids Digestion and Treats Intestinal Issues:

Aloe vera when taken internally aids in digestion and effectively cleanses the digestive system. Aloe vera works as a laxative which makes it easier for the food particles to pass through the intestine. Thus aloe vera helps those who suffer severe constipation problems.Drinking aloe vera juice regularly helps to detoxify the body which in turns improves daily bowel movements. It alleviates acidity, inflammation and intestinal ulcers. Aloe vera has a soothing effect on the stomach walls and relieves stomach ache.Aloe vera also helps to cure Crohn’s disease and peptic ulcers.

2. Boosts Immune Power:

Aloe Vera is full of antioxidants, also known as natural immunity enhancers, which help to fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause several diseases and ailments which speeds up the ageing process. Consuming aloe vera juice regularly boosts immune system and helps you to stay young and fit.

3. Lightens Skin:

Smooth and glowing skin can be achieved easily by rubbing aloe vera gel on the face. Aloe vera lightens the skin and helps to alleviate sun tanning and hyper pigmentation.

4. Good for Female Reproductive System:

Aloe vera tonic is wonderful for the female reproductive system. It helps to rejuvenate the uterus. It is very beneficial to drink aloe vera juice if you are experiencing painful menstrual cycle.

5. Treats Respiratory Disorders:

This versatile plant is also useful for treating respiratory disorders and is particularly useful for those who get frequent attacks of cold, flu, bronchitis herpes, running nose and other respiratory disorders.Aloe vera contains Vitamin C which helps to prevent colds, cough and flu.

6. Treats Inflammation, Wounds and Burns:

Inflammation is the body’s first reaction to damage. The damage can be caused by physical means or due to chemical reactions. Aloe vera has been used in traditional medicine and general home remedies in the recent times to cure cuts, wounds, burns, abrasions, inflammations and skin breakage.

Aloe vera contains plant steroids which help in reducing inflammation naturally. So aloe vera is used in orthodox or traditional medicine as steroidal drugs. Aloe vera also contains salicylic acid and its salts salicylates; it helps to curb inflammation by inhibiting the production of hormones like prostaglandins. Salicylic acid is like aspirin and has the potential of reducing inflammation by destroying the bacteria that cause inflammation.

You can use aloe vera to reduce inflammation without the fear of side effects. Drinking aloe vera juice regularly eases swollen and painful joints and reduces the stiffness of bones. It is excellent for treating scars, burns and cuts. It also soothes wound or cuts and fights bacteria that occur due to wounds. The cooling effect of the plant helps to regenerate new cells and helps in rebuilding the damaged tissue.

7. Treats Sunburns & Reduces Stretch Marks:

Aloe vera gel contains two hormones, Axim and Gibberellins which have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera with its powerful healing capability helps to treat sun burn at the epithelial level of the skin. It acts as a protective shield for the skin and heals the skin quickly. It can also be used as an after shave treatment for its healing properties can treat small cuts caused by shaving. Aloe vera also helps to reduce stretch marks by healing the wounds. This is one of the best benefits of aloe vera for skin.
skin and makes it vibrant and young looking. So for a young and healthy skin, start using aloe vera gel today.

8. Beneficial for Dry Skin:

Aloe vera gel is extremely beneficial for dry skin. Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer because of the moisture content locked in it. This gel keeps the skin hydrated and increases its elasticity. It also provides oxygen to the skin which strengthens the skin tissue and keeps the skin healthy. Moreover, it moisturizes the skin without making the skin greasy so it is perfect for oily skin. Once applied, it releases natural vitamins and enzymes on the skin to produce a deep moisturizing effect that helps to treat and restore its pH balance.

9. Foot Care:

A homemade nourishing aloe vera foot scrub can give you a peacock feather soft foot. Add two teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of coarsely powdered rice powder with a scoop of aloe vera gel to make an instant foot scrub. After soaking your feet in warm water for 15 minutes, gently work this scrub out on your feet for 10 minutes to remove the dead skin cells without stripping off moisture. The sugar and rice powder exfoliates the skin to remove dead cells while the aloe vera gels helps in rejuvenating your foot with its calming properties. Follow this every week to achieve soft and beautiful feet!

10. Treats Diabetes:

The dried gel of aloe vera is used to treat diabetes as it helps to lower blood sugar level by decreasing insulin resistance and also lowers the triglyceride levels in the liver and plasma. Aloe vera helps to improve the blood quality naturally by decreasing the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride. Since, aloe vera helps to control cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar; it directly helps to prevent cardiovascular disease. Aloe vera keeps the blood fresh and rich in oxygen.

11. Heals Skin Issues:

The anti-allergic property of aloe vera is useful in the treatment of various skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, itchy skin and so on. They are helpful in curing blisters, insect bites and other allergic reactions as well.  Aloe Vera face packs are a boon for people who have a sensitive skin type.

12. Treats Hair Loss:

Aloe vera for hair loss treatment can be traced back to the ancient Egyptian times. Aloe vera contains enzymes that promote hair growth. The proteolitic enzymes found in aloe vera help to eradicate dead skin cells on the scalp. Aloe Vera’s keratolic action breaks down the sebum and dead scalp cells. Aloe Vera’s alkalizing properties balances the pH level of the scalp and hair which results in further hair growth and retains moisture in the scalp.

13. Treats Dandruff:

Aloe vera is also used in dandruff treatment. The natural enzymes found in aloe vera soothe and moisturize the scalp that helps to eliminate the scalp dryness that causes dandruff. Thus its anti-fungal properties alleviate dandruff problem.  It alleviates the dry and itchy feeling that accompanies dandruff and oiliness. Aloe vera brings a refreshing and cooling sensation to the scalp.

14. Restores Hair’s Strength and Beauty:

The essential nutrients and vitamins found in aloe vera makes it an indispensible material for shampoos and conditioner. These vitamins and minerals aid in restoring hair’s strength and beauty. When combined with oils like coconut and jojoba oil, aloe vera can make a revitalizing shampoo.

15. Repairs Dry and Damaged Hair:

Aloe vera gel also repairs dry and damaged hair in a short span of time. Aloe vera contains a good amount of protein which is necessary for maintaining the good health of the hair. By going through the hair shaft, aloe gel cures each strand restoring the natural beauty of the hair. In addition, it reinforces the outer layer of the hair which gives you a more manageable crown of glory. It softens, fortifies and rejuvenates by flushing out the dirt particles and bacteria from the scalp. A clean scalp helps to promote hair growth.

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