Tuesday 5 July 2016

Back Pain Relief with Core Strengthening Exercises

Many people think that taking rest or avoiding any physical activity in back pain is the only option for relief. While some go to the doctor and spent a handsome amount of money on medication only. Main causes for the pain could be sudden movement, lifting some heavy object or any activity. Doing some exercise, for fifteen minutes, on the daily basis can actually help one to get relief from. These exercises stretch the muscles and supply the minerals & vitamin to the discs of backbone making them energetic.

Back Muscle Stretches

While lying on one back smooth and straight on the exercising mat or on a clean floor, put your hands behind the knees and bring the knees near to your head as much as you can for 7-8 seconds. During this try to flex the head forward until a balled- position is made in a comfortable stretch.

Lay down on a plain surface and bent your knees with heels & feet flat on the floor. Put both hands behind one knee only and bring it towards the head for 4-5 seconds. Place the foot back on the floor. Now stretch the other knees with both hands towards the head and do the same. Repeat for 4-5 times.
Stand still with your shoulders stretched apart, move your right leg one step behind, bend on the left knee and shift your weight upon the right hip side. Reach down the right leg while bending more at the left knee until a stretch is felt in the muscles.

The piriformis muscle stretch
contributes a lot for back or leg pain. Lay down on a flat surface and cross right leg over the left leg. Now put both hands beneath the left knee and pull the both legs towards the face until a stretch is felt in the hip area, stay in this position for 5-6 seconds. Repeat the process with left leg crossed over the right. You can perform this whole procedure for total 15 minutes.

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