Monday 25 July 2016

Every Day She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Face. What Happens After 7 Days Will Surprise You!

Aloe Vera is the most used ingredient is beauty products because its numerous medicinal properties and health benefits. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive beauty products in order to have a healthy and glowing skin. Just do a simple treatment with this powerful plant and you will be surprised with the effects. 

This is how to use Aloe Vera to get a flawless, healthy skin:

1. Wash the plant well
  Wash the plant and clean all its but don’t peel it.

2. Soften the aloe Vera leaves
Thump on the leaves a little to soften them.

3. Cut the leaves in an few pieces 
 As you do not need the entire leaf at once you can keep the pieces for the next treatment

4. Cut the edges of the leaf
Then, cut off the edges of the leaves from both sides so you can peel it easily.

5. Split the leaf in two
With your hands, split the open leaf, and if you cannot do it easily, use a knife to slit through its center.

6. Extract the juice

Use a spoon to extract the juice of the leaf, take as much as you need. Pour the juice in a bowl.

7. Rub all over your face
Apply the Aloe Vera juice all over your face. Use the leaf to massage the face, and leave the juice for 20 minutes to dry on the face.

8. Rinse
Peel the aloe Vera mask off the face and wash the face with clean water. Do not use any chemical products in washing as it may reduce the effect of the aloe Vera.

9. Healthy and Glowing Skin
Dry the face with a towel and your face will simply glow! The skin will be soft, revitalized and healthy!

Do this method for 7 days and the results are just satisfying.

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