Monday 4 July 2016

Super Green Detox Drink that Will Remove All Toxins and Fat from Your Body

Green detox drink will remove all toxins and fat from your body

Fresh fruit juices are the perfect way to start the day because they will satisfy your fondness for sweets, but it will also provide your body with the needed nutrients and help you beat the heat in summer. Moreover, drinking freshly squeezed, sweet and nutritive juices will detox your organism and remove all toxins and fat from your body. Even though they are good for your health, still you should consume them in moderate quantities since they contain sugar.
The following fresh juices are excellent alternative for one meal during the day and it will also help you lose excess weight. And keep in mind that you need to mix them with some ice in a 2:1 ratio, 2 parts juice, 1 part ice.

Best fruit juices:

  • Apple and pear
  • Cranberry, grape and prune
  • Apple, pear and pineapple
  • Orange and grapefruit
  • Apple and watermelon

Best green juices:

  • Celery, spinach, tomato, and dill
  • Cucumber, parsley, celery, and ginger
  • Celery, kale, tomato, garlic, and sweet basil
  • Celery, spinach, cabbage, dill, and lemon
  • Spinach, tomato, garlic, ginger, and cayenne

Best combination juices:

  • Green apple, strawberry, cucumber, kale, and mint
  • Blueberry, raspberry, cabbage, cucumber, and mint
  • Pineapple, watermelon, mango, and orange bell pepper
  • Pineapple, orange, watermelon, spinach, and cayenne
  • Orange, lemon, lime, and ginger

What are the health benefits of fresh fruit juices?

When you mix fruits and vegetables you get a powerful nutritional drink that offers many health benefits.All these fruits and vegetables provide different properties and can give you amazing results. For example, this super green detox will remove all toxins and fat from your body. It comes a powerful nutritional drink made of cucumber, watermelon, and parsley with a touch of a ginger.
  • Cucumber– a great body cleanser
  • Parsley– excellent mild diuretic
  • Watermelon– removes toxins from the kidneys due to its ability to neutralize acidity.

Why fresh fruit juice?

If you want to lose excess weight, instead of buying fruit juices from the store, which by the way do not contain all the needed nutrients, prepare yourself an all-natural fruit juice. Thus, you will train your body and mind to consume less food and fewer calories, which is very helpful in the weight-loss process.
This  short video will help you learn how to transform a simple blender into a juicer and prepare the best green detox drink:

Buy Now

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