Wednesday 13 July 2016

Top 11 Health Benefits Of Basil Seeds

The seeds that are used for eating come from the sweet basil plant The leaves and oil of the holy basil plant have been utilized in Ayurvedic medicine for a host of purposes, but not typically the seeds.

Sweet basil seeds and chia seeds are about the same size, but basil seeds are primarily black and tear-shaped. Chia seeds are a mottled grey and brown color with a more rounded shape.

Let’s take a look at the purported health benefits of eating sweet basil seeds

1. Basil seeds may aid in regulating blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.

2. The fiber in the outer coat of sweet basil seeds that have been soaked has a laxative effect. The seeds can also be used to alleviate flatulence, stomach cramps, and indigestion.

3. They reportedly have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anticancer, antispasmodic, and antifungal properties.

4. The fiber in basil seeds makes you feel fuller and therefore may aid in weight loss.

5. Basil seeds have traditionally been used to treat coughs, colds, flu, and asthma.

6. Researchers in Thailand found that sweet basil seeds can be used to lower people’s cholesterol levels.

7. Eating basil seeds seem to have mood-boosting properties that can help improve depression, stress, mental fatigue, and migraines.

8. When crushed into an oil, basil seeds can be used as a treatment for skin infections, cuts, and wounds.

9. The antibacterial properties of basil seeds reportedly make them useful for the treatment of bladder infections and vaginal infections.

10. Basil seeds act as a coolant for the body, and are often used in cold drinks, such as nimbu pani, rooh afza, falooda, and sherbet, to lower body temperature.

11. The vitamin K, protein, and iron in sweet basil seeds can help keep hair shiny and healthy. It has even been known to help prevent hair loss and baldness.

1 comment:

  1. Basil seeds is my favourite seed. I take sabji seed regularly for my acidity.Thanks

