Sunday 17 July 2016

Apricot Fruit 9 Health Benefits & Facts You Should Know

1. Apricot good for your eyes

Many studies have shown that consuming apricots are highly beneficial for your ophthalmic health. Consuming two or three servings of apricots in a day has proved to be beneficial in preventing age-related Macular Degeneration. Macular degeneration is a disorder of the eye and is one of the major causes of loss of sight in older people. It also helps in strengthening the optic nerves in your eyes.

It also lowers the risk of another major eye-related illness called Neovascular ARMD. The carotenoids and the various vitamins especially Vitamin A and Beta Carotene present in apricots are responsible for reducing the risk of developing this disorder. The carotenoids and the various vitamins especially Vitamin A and Beta Carotene present in apricots are responsible for reducing the risk of developing this disorder.

Vitamin A with Carotene and Lutein prolongs vision in people suffering from retinitis pigmentosa and delays the loss of peripheral vision. It is also considered an excellent remedy for alleviating dry eyes symptoms. In younger people it has been found to slow the progression of Stargardt’s disease- an inherited eye disease.

2. Treatment of cancer

Cancer being one of the dangerous diseases, i.e. life threatening can be treated by the use of apricot or kernel seeds. An apricot seed contains high content of vitamin-B17 i.e. anti-cancer. It is also known as Amygdalin or Laetrile. This vitamin is very effective for treating cancer as it attacks the cancer cells. Cancer can be cured by consuming this vitamin B17, from apricot seeds or other fruits like apple, cherry or pear seeds. Cancer at early stage is very likely to be cured by the consumption of this vitamin B17. While this vitamin B17 is not very much effective for the 4th stage cancer.

3. Fiber Are Health Booster

Dried and fresh apricot are one of the best sources of dietary fiber. Though fiber is good for the human body, apricots contain a special kind of fiber that is, even more, beneficial. Rich soluble fiber that dissolves quickly in the body; this helps in absorbing essential nutrients. It melts into a gel-like substance and helps in breaking down fatty acids.

Once fatty acids are broken down, they help in the excretion of digested food particles and the easy bowel movement. The high amount of dietary fiber also helps in keeping you safe from gastrointestinal disorders. It ensures a regular emptying out of intestines and protects from constipation and constipation induced piles.

4. Apricot Skin  Scrub

Apricot seed oil mixed with sugar is used for skin scrubbing and in just 3 minutes makes skin complexion fair. Thus it plays important role in glowing of the skin. The scrub of these apricot seeds helps to removes all the dirt and black circles of the skin. The skin looks more fresh and new.

5. Potassium for a healthy you

Fruits like apricots and those belonging to the same family are high in potassium content. Optimum levels of potassium are extremely beneficial to your body. When potassium combines with sodium or salt, it regulates the water levels within and between cells. This water or fluid is called electrolyte and is responsible for carrying neuro-transmissions.

6. Toxicity

The apricot seeds having many kinds of benefits have some negative aspect i.e. they are also fatal for health. Recent researches showed that the vitamin B17 contains a poisonous compound known as Amygdalin, which is converted into cyanide content in the body. This content is very harmful & dangerous for health. Other researches also showed that the apricot seeds or a kernel contains a small amount of cyanide i.e. 0.5 mg – 3.5 mg, which is not much harmful for the body. If about 80 to 560 seeds are being consumed that can be fatal for life. The various symptoms of cyanide poisoning includes nausea, headache, fever, increase in thirst, weakness etc.

7. Helps You Lose Weight

The high amount of dietary fiber that the apricot fruit is gifted with is useful for those people who are looking at losing a few kilos. High fiber content improves the digestive and excretory systems in the body and helps improve the rate of metabolism.

To add fantastic character, apricot also contains an extremely small amount of calories. Consumption of apricots makes for a healthy snacking if you are following a dietary regime to lose excessive weight and working out as well. Apricots can restore the electrolyte balance and fill your stomach without adding the calories that eventually build up the weight of the body.

8. Blood pressure

Blood pressure, one of the common problem among 90% of the people. These seeds or kernels also used for maintaining the blood pressure at normal level. Thus reduces the high blood pressure approximately to the normal level. Thus these seeds or kernels are very effective for blood pressure patients. It is also effective for hypertension patients, helps in relieving the tension and makes a person calm and a soothing feeling.

9. Strengthens your bones

Apricots are rich in calcium and potassium content. The body requires calcium in bone formation and bone development. Lack of calcium leads to a disorder of the bones called Osteoporosis. The high calcium content is thus useful in the keeping of bone health and saves you from brittle bones.

However, one essential mineral that regulates the absorption, distribution and excretion of calcium in our body is Potassium. Without potassium, all calcium that you consume and calcium contained in the bones would be released in blood stream eventually getting evicted from the body. It will not only affect the bone health but will also choke the bladder that purifies the blood.

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